Clare Stell Counselling
07745 904 146

What will happen in the first session?
-It will last 60 minutes
-I will take a few personal details and briefly explain the counselling process that is on offer
-You will be given the opportunity to ask any questions and then invited to talk about the issues that have brought you to counselling
-At the end of the session you will be given the opportunity to decide whether you would like to return for further sessions, whether you want time to think about your decision or whether you would prefer to stop now. The choice is yours.
How long will I need counselling for?
This varies a great deal and there are no hard and fast rules.
If after the first session you decide to return I will suggest that we have an initial six sessions ending with a review of how you are feeling about the counselling. You can choose to end earlier if you wish.
Some people find that six sessions are adequate and that they have gained enough insight into current issues to be able to develop new strategies and move on.
Other clients choose to take longer to explore underlying issues and repeating patterns that they are beginning to identify. During longer term therapy there will be regular reviews to recognise progress and maintain focus.
You can choose to end counselling at any time.
How does counselling work?
Counsellors are trained in theories that help them to understand how people relate to themselves and others and how some of these ways of relating and behaving are unhelpful. They have been taught about the influence of past history and how it may affect present behaviour and also psychological strategies that can be helpful in changing unhelpful ways of reacting and relating.
They are also trained to listen attentively, respectfully and without judgement, to avoid giving advice or opinions. They have learnt to support a client to find their own ‘fresh’ perspectives on ‘old’ problems and as someone who has no personal relationship with the client they are often able to bring an objectivity to the difficulties that a client is facing.

created by: edward stell edward.j.stell@gmail.com