Clare Stell Counselling
07745 904 146

What is Counselling?
Counselling gives you the opportunity to think and talk about what's going on for you, in confidence, and with someone who is trained to listen and help you to understand more about yourself and the feelings and thoughts that you are experiencing.
Many people turn to counselling or psychotherapy to try to understand what is making them unhappy, and to discover how to live a more meaningful and fulfilling life. That unhappiness may take the form of anxiety or depression, grief, sadness or a more general feeling of discontent with life. It may lead to self-harm or addiction. Counselling offeres a safe, accepting, uninterrupted space to explore whatever issues have brought you and the opportunity to gain new insight, freedom and healing.
What types of issues can benefit from counselling?
- Depression
- Anxiety
- Anger
- Relationship difficulties
- Panic Attacks
- Stress
- Identity issues and low self-worth
- Loss and bereavement
- Issues arising from abuse
- Work related issues
- Eating disorders
- Self harm
- Sexuality Issues
- Spiritual Issues

created by: edward stell edward.j.stell@gmail.com